Galaxyle offers you the opportunity to learn about space in a very fun way. Try the new Galaxyle game. The word games is a viral phenomenon that is sweeping the internet. If you like everything related to the world of stars and galaxies you will love this game. Below you can find a version of this game in online mode. This online version will allow you to check your knowledge of this discipline as well as challenge your friends. A game suitable for lovers of stars, planets, galaxies and moons.
Later we will explain how to play in case you need a guide or help. This free online game is available right here in case you want to try it, you will surely have fun! Click below if you want to play full screen.
Galaxyle allows you to play one game per day. Once you win the game you can share your results with your friends. Go ahead and compete with your friends by challenging them to see who can solve it before or with fewer attempts. We assure you that there are really difficult words, do you dare to solve today’s word? Will you be able to solve it in less than 6 attempts? Tell us your experience.
Galaxyle Online game, the Word of Galaxies
What is Galaxy Online? The game is very simple and easy to play for anyone. You must solve the hidden word that hides the game and solve it in less than six attempts. The word is made up of five vowel letters and consonants. When you solve the game it will show you the statistics and results of your game in the game and will also allow you to share those results.
To solve the game you must guess the 5-letter word that is hidden. This word changes every day to make it more challenging. It is resolved with a word on the theme of the galaxy, such as planets, moons, stars or constellations.
Instructions how to play Galaxyle
Galaxyle is very simple as we have explained to you. A keyboard will appear where you can enter the word you think it could be and press send. Then the game will show you if the letters of the entered word correspond to any of the hidden word. To do this, it will show the word entered as if they were cards.
In each attempt you must enter a valid 5-letter word from the set of words of the theme. After each attempt, each letter or token changes color to show if it is a letter that is in the hidden word and is not in the correct position, if it is in the correct position or if, on the contrary, the word does not contain it hidden.
When you write your 5 letter word, in each attempt, the game will tell you which letters exist in the word you are looking for and if they are in the correct position they will turn green. And if it exists but is not in the correct position, it will turn yellow.
Recommendations for playing Galaxyle
In the first place, a very common rule is to find a word that contains a large number of vowels, since it will make it easier for us to detect the correct one.
Here is some information that may help you find today’s secret word. We will not indicate the word but we leave you information so that you can search and expand your knowledge about the universe at the same time.
Our solar system is located in the Local Bubble near the inner edge of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way. It rotates around the center of the galaxy clockwise at an angle of 60Β° every 200-250 million years. The Milky Way is not an isolated universe, but rather a small group of galaxies. It contains about 3 dozen known galaxies, grouped in two subgroups around two massive spiral galaxies: the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.
Constellations of the sky
Our galaxy is a hundred thousand light-years wide, but only a thousand light-years thick. Below we include a large part of the galaxies known to astronomers. Keep in mind that this list is continually expanding due to new discoveries thanks to advances in science.

We all know that a constellation is a group of stars. These star groupings have been studied for years trying to perform as divisions of the celestial sphere. Many constellations are derived from ancient times where star patterns were already discovered that were finally confirmed to be constellations.
Andromeda | Antlia | Apus |
Aquarius | Aquila | Ara |
Aries | Auriga | Bootes |
Caelum | Camelopardalis | Cancer |
Canes Venatici | Canis Major | Canis Minor |
Capricornus | Carina | Cassiopeia |
Centaurus | Cepheus | Cetus |
Chamaeleon | Circinus | Columba |
Coma Berenices | Corona Austrina | Corona Borealis |
Corvus | Crater | Crux |
Cygnus | Delphinus | Dorado |
Draco | Equuleus | Eridanus |
Fenix | Fornax | Geminis |
Grus | Hercules | Horologium |
Hydra | Hydrus | Indus |
Lacerta | Leo | Leo Minor |
Lepus | Libra | Lupus |
Lynx | Lyra | Mayor |
Menor | Mensa | Microscopium |
Monoceros | Musca | Norma |
Octans | Ophiuchus | Orion |
Pavo | Pegaso | Perseo |
Pictor | Piscis | Piscis Austrinus |
Puppis | Pyxis | Reticulum |
Sagitta | Sagitario | Scorpius |
Sculptor | Scutum | Serpens |
Sextans | Tauro | Telescopium |
Triangulum | Triangulum Australe | Tucana |
Osa Major | Osa Minor | Vela |
Virgo | Volans | Vulpecula |
Known stars
Each constellation is made up of different stars that in some cases have been found to be groups of stars. Since ancient times, all these groups of stars and stars have been cataloged, the list being very extensive. Here we bring you the main ones.
Acamar | Achernar | Achird |
Acrux | Acubens | Adara |
Adhafera | Adhil | Agena |
Ain | Ain Al Rami | Al Anz |
Al Kalb Al Rai | Al Minliar Al Asad | Al Minliar Al Shuja |
Aladfar | Alathfar | Albaldah |
Albali | Albireo | Alchiba |
Alcor | Alcyone | Aldebaran |
Alderamin | Aldhibah | Alfecca Meridiana |
Alfirk | Algenib | Algieba |
Algol | Algorab | Alhena |
Alioth | Alkaid | Alkalurops |
Alkes | Alkurhah | Almaak |
Alnair | Alnath | Alnilam |
Alnitak | Alniyat | Alniyat |
Alphard | Alphekka | Alpheratz |
Alrai | Alrisha | Alsafi |
Alsciaukat | Alshain | Alshat |
Alsuhail | Altair | Altarf |
Alterf | Aludra | Alula Australis |
Alula Borealis | Alya | Alzirr |
Ancha | Angetenar | Ankaa |
Anser | Antares | Arcturus |
Arkab Posterior | Arkab Prior | Arneb |
Arrakis | Ascella | Asellus Australis |
Asellus Borealis | Asellus Primus | Asellus Secondus |
Asellus Tertius | Asterope | Atik |
Atlas | Auva | Avior |
Azelfafage | Azha | Azmidiske |
Baham | Baten Kaitos | Becrux |
Beid | Bellatrix | Betelgeuse |
Botein | Brachium | Canopus |
Capella | Caph | Castor |
Cebalrai | Celaeno | Chara |
Chort | Cor Caroli | Cursa |
Dabih | Deneb | Deneb Algedi |
Deneb Dulfim | Deneb El Okab | Deneb El Okab |
Deneb Kaitos Shemali | Denebola | Dheneb |
Diadem | Diphda | Double Double (7051) |
Double Double (7052) | Double Double (7053) | Double Double (7054) |
Dschubba | Dsiban | Dubhe |
Ed Asich | Electra | Elnath |
Enif | Etamin | Fomalhaut |
Fornacis | Fum Al Samakah | Furud |
Gacrux | Gianfar | Gienah Cygni |
Gienah Ghurab | Gomeisa | Gorgonea Quarta |
Gorgonea Secunda | Gorgonea Tertia | Graffias |
Grafias | Grumium | Hadar |
Haedi | Hamal | Hassaleh |
Head Of Hydrus | Herschel’s “Garnet Star” | Heze |
Hoedus Ii | Homam | Hyadum I |
Hyadum Ii | Izar | Jabbah |
Kaffaljidhma | Kajam | Kaus Australis |
Kaus Borealis | Kaus Meridionalis | Keid |
Kitalpha | Kocab | Kornephoros |
Kraz | Kuma | Lesath |
Maasym | Maia | Marfak |
Marfak | Marfic | Marfik |
Markab | Matar | Mebsuta |
Megrez | Meissa | Mekbuda |
Menkalinan | Menkar | Menkar |
Menkent | Menkib | Merak |
Merga | Merope | Mesarthim |
Metallah | Miaplacidus | Minkar |
Mintaka | Mira | Mirach |
Miram | Mirphak | Mizar |
Mufrid | Muliphen | Murzim |
Muscida | Muscida | Muscida |
Nair Al Saif | Naos | Nash |
Nashira | Nekkar | Nihal |
Nodus Secundus | Nunki | Nusakan |
Peacock | Phad | Phaet |
Pherkad | Pherkad Minor | Pleione |
Polaris | Polaris Australis | Pollux |
Porrima | Praecipua | Prima Giedi |
Procyon | Propus | Propus |
Propus | Rana | Ras Elased Australis |
Ras Elased Borealis | Rasalgethi | Rasalhague |
Rastaban | Regulus | Rigel |
Rigel Kentaurus | Rijl Al Awwa | Rotanev |
Ruchba | Ruchbah | Rukbat |
Sabik | Sadalachbia | Sadalmelik |
Sadalsuud | Sadr | Saiph |
Salm | Sargas | Sarin |
Sceptrum | Scheat | Secunda Giedi |
Segin | Seginus | Sham |
Sharatan | Shaula | Shedir |
Sheliak | Sirius | Situla |
Skat | Spica | Sterope Ii |
Sualocin | Subra | Suhail Al Muhlif |
Sulafat | Syrma | Tabit (1543) |
Tabit (1544) | Tabit (1552) | Tabit (1570) |
Talitha | Tania Australis | Tania Borealis |
Tarazed | Taygeta | Tegmen |
Tejat Posterior | Terebellum | Terebellum |
Terebellum | Terebellum | Thabit |
Theemim | Thuban | Torcularis Septentrionalis |
Turais | Tyl | Unukalhai |
Vega | Vindemiatrix | Wasat |
Wezen | Wezn | Yed Posterior |
Yed Prior | Yildun | Zaniah |
Zaurak | Zavijah | Zibal |
Zosma | Zuben | Zuben Elakrab |
Zuben Elakribi | Zuben Elgenubi | Zuben Elschemali |
Solar System planets
There is a large number of discovered planets outside our solar system that is continually expanding.

Next we indicate those of our solar system.
Jupiter | Mars | Mercury |
Neptune | Planet | Pluto |
Saturn | Earth | Uranus |
Venus |
Solar System moons
Everyone knows the planets of our solar system as well as our moon. But did you know that 219 moons associated with these planets are known. Every so often new moons are discovered for the outer planets and dwarf planets. Here we bring you some of them.
Actaea | Adrastea | Aegaeon |
Aegir | Aegis | Aitne |
Albiorix | Alexhelios | Amalthea |
Ananke | Anthe | Aoede |
Arche | Ariel | Atlas |
Autonoe | Bebhionm | Belinda |
Bergelmir | Bestla | Bianca |
Caju | Caliban | Callirrhoe |
Callisto | Calypso | Carme |
Carpo | Ceres | Chaldene |
Charon | Cleoselene | Cordelia |
Cressida | Cupid | Cyllene |
Dactyl | Daphne | Daphnis |
Deimos | Desdemona | Despina |
Dia | Dione | Dwarf |
Dysnomia | Eirene | Elara |
Enceladus | Epimetheus | Erinome |
Eris | Erriapus | Ersa |
Euanthe | Eugenia | Eukelade |
Eupheme | Euporie | Europa |
Eurydome | Farbauti | Fenrir |
Ferdinand | Fornjot | Francisco |
Galatea | Ganymede | Goblin |
Gonggong | Gorgoneion | Greip |
Halimede | Harpalyke | Hati |
Haumea | Hegomone | Helene |
Helike | Hermippe | Herse |
Hi’iaka | Himalia | Hippocamp |
Hydra | Hygiea | Hyperion |
Hyrrokkin | Iapetus | Ida |
Ijiraq | Illmare | Io |
Isonoe | Janus | Jarnsaxa |
Juliet | Kale | Kallichore |
Kalliope | Kalyke | Kari |
Kerberos | Kiviuq | Kleopatra |
Kore | Laomedeia | Larissa |
Leda | Linus | Locaste |
Loge | Lysithea | Mab |
Makemake | Margeret | Megaclite |
Methone | Metis | Mimas |
Minerva | Miranda | Mneme |
Mundilfari | Naiad | Namaka |
Narvi | Nereid | Neso |
Nix | Oberon | Ophelia |
Orcus | Orthosie | Paaliaq |
Pallene | Pan | Pandia |
Pandora | Pasiphae | Pasithee |
Peneius | Perdita | Philphrosyne |
Phobos | Phoebe | Polydueces |
Portia | Praxidike | Prometheus |
Prospero | Proteus | Psamathe |
Puck | Quaoar | Remus |
Rhea | Romulus | Rosalind |
S/2003 J10 | S/2003 J12 | S/2003 J16 |
S/2003 J18 | S/2003 J19 | S/2003 J2 |
S/2003 J23 | S/2003 J4 | S/2003 J9 |
S/2004 S12 | S/2004 S13 | S/2004 S17 |
S/2004 S20 | S/2004 S21 | S/2004 S22 |
S/2004 S23 | S/2004 S24 | S/2004 S25 |
S/2004 S26 | S/2004 S27 | S/2004 S28 |
S/2004 S29 | S/2004 S30 | S/2004 S31 |
S/2004 S32 | S/2004 S33 | S/2004 S34 |
S/2004 S35 | S/2004 S36 | S/2004 S37 |
S/2004 S38 | S/2004 S39 | S/2004 S7 |
S/2006 S 1 | S/2006 S 3 | S/2007 S2 |
S/2007 S3 | S/2009 S1 | S/2010 J1 |
S/2010 J2 | S/2011 J1 | S/2011 J2 |
S/2016 J1 | S/2017 J1 | S/2017 J2 |
S/2017 J3 | S/2017 J5 | S/2017 J6 |
S/2017 J7 | S/2017 J8 | S/2017 J9 |
Salacia | Sao | Sedna |
Setebos | Siarnaq | Sinope |
Skathi | Skoll | Sponde |
Stephano | Styx | Surtur |
Suttungr | Sycorax | Sylvia |
Tarqeq | Tarvos | Taygete |
Telesto | Tethys | Thalassa |
Thebe | Thelxinoe | Themisto |
Thrymr | Thyone | Titan |
Titania | Trinculo | Triton |
Umbriel | Valetudo | Vanth |
Varda | Weywot | Xiangliu |
Ymir |
Common Questions(F.A.Q.)
If you have doubts about how to play, here we summarize the most frequent questions and answers. Also if you have any additional questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to share it with us and we will help you.
What is Galaxyle?
Galaxyle, is a game to learn about the stars and the universe. You must solve a five-letter word related to the stars and other heavenly bodies. You will have up to 6 opportunities, and every day the star to solve changes.
How to play Galaxy?
On this page you can play. You simply have to enter the word you think it could be on the keyboard that appears and the game itself will guide you by indicating the correct letters with colors. At the bottom of the page you will find clues to help you, if you need them. Do you dare to play?
What is the goal of the game Galaxyle?
To win in Galaxyle you must try to get clues to guess a 5-letter word in 6 attempts and the minimum time. Show your knowledge about the universe and learn with us.